Parish Services ..... Weddings Christenings ...please get in touch Holy Communion Funerals

Telephone: 0117 9557662


Couples are prepared individually for marriage by one of the deacons. Couples are often prepared in St Patricks for weddings taking place abroad. Couples are asked to give at least six months’ notice of their wedding to ensure the talks and the form filling/ paperwork are appropriately completed.

Weddings can be live-streamed for a fee, please request this when booking at the church office.

Wedding reception venues of the highest quality are available for hire:

The Shore Gallery and The Brooks Hall.


Parents are prepared for the baptism of their child by attending two talks on the meaning of the sacrament. The talks are held in the church on the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10:00am Mass.

After the first talk, parents can book their child’s baptism. Baptisms take place on 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 12-noon.

Baptisms can be live-streamed for a fee, please request this when booking at the church office.

Rite of Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A)
Older people wishing to be baptised or received in to Full Communion with the church can make an appointment at the parish office to meet with the priest or deacons to discuss their interest. Talks usually take place weekly from September to March and candidates are received into the church at Easter.


The bishop visits the parish every two years for the sacrament of Confirmation. It is administered to those at secondary school. Twelve formation sessions and involvement in the liturgy are all part of the preparation programme.


The sacrament is available before or after each Mass. Please ask an usher to inform the priest of your request for the sacrament or visit him in the sacristy before or after Mass.

Children receiving First Holy Communion preparation make their First Confession as part of the programme.

First Holy Communion

Preparation starts in January and continues until June when the sacrament is celebrated at a special Sunday Mass. Preparation sessions take place each Saturday morning in the Shore Gallery. Children are aged 8 or over.

For more information, please contact the church office or check our bulletins for the latest updates.


The Sacrament of The Sick: Anointing is always available on request before or after Mass and can also be booked at other times through the parish office.


Funeral services and Requiem Masses are organised through the parish office.

The Body of the Deceased may be brought into the church the night before the funeral. The Pastoral assistant will deal sensitively with all the organisation of a funeral to ensure a dignified and spiritual celebration of a loved one is prepared with love and care.

Funerals can be live-streamed for a fee, please request this when booking at the church office.

Mass Intentions

If you wish to have Mass celebrated for a deceased loved one or for any other intention, please contact the parish office. Your intention is printed in the weekly bulletin so you will know the date and time for your prayer. The priest mentions the prayer intention at the beginning of Mass and if for someone deceased, at the moment of the dead.

An offering of £10 is given to the church office, where mass cards are always available.

Holy Orders

The First Mass of Father James Finan in 2012

Every month there is a two-hour period of prayer for vocations. It takes place on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm.

There is a vocations group in the parish known as The Come and See Group. The group meet once a month on a Sunday afternoon. Please contact the parish office for more details.

The parish is privileged to have ordained four men in the past twenty years. Louis Beasley-Suffolk (Deceased) and James Finan are priests of the Diocese of Clifton and Rob Easton and Denis Deasey are both deacons in St Patrick’s parish.